Friday, September 16, 2011

Love And Relations

It's Friday! Oh how it comes so quickly! I'm sending you off to the weekend with a wedding that is so ridiculously brilliant, you are going to die. Jesi Haack (pretty much one of the MOST creative wedding designers EVAH) created a super fun "Love is in the Air" concept for Shauna and Kris, who love to travel together. They created puffy clouds over the dessert table, hot air balloon escort cards, and paper airplane programs. I love the idea of creating a wedding that is so personal and absurdly fun! Check out these beautiful images shot by Closer to Love Photography and Design.

Love is in the Air

"Love is in the Air" is a seasonal event that takes place around Valentine's Day (around February 7–20). The first "Love is in the Air" event occurred in 2006, and was repeated in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. 2010 saw this event significantly changed. See Love is in the Air 2009 for details of the previous version of this event.

From the on the official site:

Something is in the air in the major cities of Azeroth. Some call it love, and some just call it friendship and admiration. Whichever it is, many guards and townsfolks now spend their days giving and receiving tokens and gifts to other amorous citizens.
The more skeptical, however, are suspicious of the strange "love sickness" clouding the hearts of so many. Will this widespread occurrence be simply taken as a recent outbreak of amore? Or will our brave adventurers find a sinister plot behind the source of this plague of passion? Only time will tell...